I have come to the conclusion that the Universe is infinite. My reasoning is that outside of spacetime there is an absence of absolutely everything, including empty space itself. Clearly, this is very difficult to get your head around, a bit like infinity.
It would seem to me that assuming the above to be the case, there can be no boundary or edge to the universe as you have to have something to have a boundary with, and as there is nothing, there is therefore no boundary. However, for the universe to be truly infinite in every sense of the word, then it's geometry has to be open whereby an object travelling through space and not in an orbital trajectory would never return to the start position, or cross it's previous path. The Universe may be curved , but not necessarily curved back upon itself, in other words closed.
If we take the view that the universe is infinite, then it is no surprise that life exists and I am here to write this. In an infinite universe there are infinite possibilities. The fact that life has arisen here means that it is not only likely, but a certainty that it has arisen an infinite number of times in an infinite number of places.
The Story Behind the Stories in My Photography
Thank you for taking the time to explore my work. Photography, to me, is a
meditative act—an opportunity to be fully present and notice the smallest
2 months ago
1 comment:
Have you ever truly just closed your eyes and contemplated what this limitless void is? The space between spaces. I know you've gazed up into the night sky, at the wonderful vastness of it all; but does it make you feel free or trapped? An insignificant and tiny mote, adrift in a cosmic ocean. But what of this "edge"? What is this "Void" that lies beyond? It is a place so peculiar that even the laws of quantum dynamics break down. The ultimate stasis. I cannot think of a more solid barrier. Here's a parting thought, if this universe is expanding, what happens to all the displaced space-time?
No need for conjecture or hypothesis, we are not alone - Fact.
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