It said on the radio this morning that today is Blue Monday. In other words, its the most miserable day of the year. I guess, apart from the fact that it was cold, dull, windy, wet and miserable, its probably about now that most of those New Year Resolutions get trashed. This was demonstrated by the absence of people at the gym this evening. There was hardly anybody there, so we virtually had the place to ourselves.
For me, it wasn't so much Blue Monday as extremely dull Monday as the lights fused as soon as my wife entered the house and attempted to switch on the living room lights. Flash, fut and that was that. Wonderful. We scrabbled around in the half light of improvised standard lamps and prepared to pump iron and other stuff.
Because I've been getting fat and lazy and my running has fallen away, I've decided to give myself something to aim for and entered myself into a 10 kilometer road race in April. This is not a New Year Resolution as such, as I didn't really make any on principle that I always fail. I'm just trying to be very good and proactive at everything I do. So the cunning plan is to star in the road race by training at the gym at least 3 times a week, and amongst all the other exercises I do, go on the treadmill and increase the distance by 1 kilometer a week. I am now up to running 4 kilometers at a go, and tonight I finished running at the staggering pace of 14.5 kilometers per hour.
Not bad for an old git.
The Story Behind the Stories in My Photography
Thank you for taking the time to explore my work. Photography, to me, is a
meditative act—an opportunity to be fully present and notice the smallest
2 months ago
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