Today we intended to do all sorts of things - like paint the spare bedroon, clear the dog turds from the dog run, change the universe etc etc... My first obstacle was getting out of bed, as after spending the working week
having to get up at some unearthly hour and walking around like a zombie for half the time - until I woke up, that is, I felt pretty much glued to the bed when I didn't
have to get up. Anyway, after finally dragging myself out of bed and wandering around like one of the undead, my dear wife gave me a Cumberland sausage sandwich, which revived me enough to enter the land of the living. We went out to the garden centre, shops, ....as you do, before realizing what we really wanted to do was jump in the car and go somewhere to take some photos. Only trouble was the day was dull and grim and at first I wasn't sure if it was a good idea. My dear wife insisted I was a wimp, fair weather photographer and not committed enough. With that we walked the dog, jumped into the car, and drove to Wansford which was the nearest place I could think of which might offer some worthwhile views. It was still very dull and grey when we got there. We wandered around, snapping the odd shot here and there - and then the sun came out! Wonderful! At this time of year the sun's light washes at a low angle over the countryside giving a depth and vibrancy to everything it touches. We photographed everything in sight we thought might make a half decent picture - even a man in a canoe paddled obligingly up the river and smiled as we frantically ran off a series of photos of his passing. We finished off with a pint in the Haycock - marvellous. The moral of this story is don't be dictated to by the weather, and don't stand for your wife calling you a wimp!
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